CodeIgniter Tutorial for Beginners and Structure step by step tutorials

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PHP CodeIgniter Tutorial Series for Beginners tutorials step by step and Structure for CodeIgniter framework. Flow chart for codeigniter program.We are cover the all topics step by step codeigniter framework libraries, helpers and active record class for database communication.PHP MVC CodeIgniter Framework is developed by EllisLab and now it is taken by British Columbia Institute of Technology.


PHP MVC (Model-View-Controller) Framework CodeIgniter Tutorial for Beginners Project.

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Unzip codeIgniter  folder first

Remove user guide folder

Set .htaccess   file and set domain or folder name

(Folder :    codeIgniter/)    set domain or folder name



Structure and way of write code in codeIgniter.

Three main folders in codeigniter

Controllers: Work like that intermediary between the Models, the View.

Models:  Represents your data structures. Insert, update, delete Write a Database code in Models.

Views:  Represents View page   Write a HTML CSS JS code in Views.


MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework pattern and demands a structured workflow.

Connect to Multiple Databases in CodeIgniter

Integrate Twitter Bootstrap with PHP CodeIgniter Framework





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