Hdappa Civilization Which People Were Familiar With What Items

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Hdappa Civilization Which People Were Familiar With What Items

We are uploading rajasthan Gk one by one topic  upload important questions today uploading  about  Hdappa Civilization Which People Were Familiar With What Items and I was at a place called the Harappan civilization of the Indus first so called Harappan civilization …. Introduction: – India and the world’s oldest civilizations of the Indus civilization is extraordinary place. I have proven it … Rulers of the people of the Indus Valley and weight measurements were Prict said I did it? Lothal Harappan Kalibangan Chunhudrao 11. In which year was the discovery of the Harappan civilization? Indus Valley civilization that existed in what is known and Lots of stones of this generation tools and equipment used in the manufacture of bronze, they were well aware Binti. and this topice always useful for RAS,IAS,1st.2nd,3rd grad teacher, and gramsevk,patwar,rajasthan police SI, RRB And all Railway exams and other all Competitive Examination.


हङप्पा सभ्यता के लोग किन किन चीजोँ से परिचित थे

Important Trick : सोचता सीटी

सो- सोना (Gold)

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च- चाँदी (Silver)

ता- ताँबा (Copper

सी- सीसा (Lead)

टी- टीन (Tin plate)

Note – लोहे (Iron)से परिचित नहीं थे।

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