Indian RRB NTPC GK About underground trains run in India Kolkata, Delhi, Bangalore GK 1st Grade
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About underground trains run in India? — Kolkata, Delhi and Bangalore,The busiest railway station in India is —- Lucknow,What is the slogan of Indian railway — life line of the nation And History GK 1st Grade, Patwar, SSC GD, Study Material 441 Set GK Notes Daily Update.And According to Railway Group D Recruitment Notification 2019 and Latest Updates: SBI Clerk (Junior Associates) Recruitment 2019 And RRB, Railway Group D Railway Loco Pilot Railway Technician DMRC Rajasthan PTET Punjab PTET CTET PSTET BSTC HTET,Bank GK, Latest GK, Reet Exam GK, Rajasthan police Exam Gk.
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Indian History 1st Grade,CTET Teacher Study Material GK Important Notes Date Wise(22-10-2019)
Question(1). Where do underground trains run in India? — Kolkata, Delhi and Bangalore
भारत में भूमिगत रेल कहाँ चलती हैं?—कोलकाता, दिल्ली व बंगलुरू
Question(2). Which is the busiest railway station in India — Lucknow
भारत का सबसे व्यस्त railway स्टेशन कौन सा है—लखनऊ
Question(3). The busiest railway station in India is —- Lucknow
भारत का सबसे व्यस्त रेलवे स्टेशन है—-लखनऊ
Question(4). Who is known by the nickname Metro Man? — Sreedharan
मेट्रो मैन उपनाम से कौन जाने जाते हैं?—श्रीधरन
Question(5). Rail Coach Factory s. F. Where is it located — Kapurthala
रेल कोच फैक्टरी आर. एस. एफ. कहां पर स्थित है—कपूरथला
Question(6). What is the full form of TTE — Traveling ticket administrator
टी. टी. ई. की फुल फार्म क्या है—ट्रैवलिगं टिकट एग्जेमिनर
Question(7). What is the slogan of Indian railway — life line of the nation
Indian railway का स्लोगन क्या है—लाईफ लाईन आफ द नेशन
Question(8). P.N. R. What is the full form —- Passenger Name Record
पी. एन. आर. की फुल फार्म क्या है—- पैसेजंर नेम रिकार्ड
Question(9). Which is the fastest train of India — Shatabdi Express
भारत की सबसे तेज ट्रेन कौन सी है—शताब्दी एक्सप्रेस
Question(10). Where did India’s first computerized reservation begin — New Delhi
भारत का पहला कम्पयुट्रीकृत आरक्षण कहाँ शुरू हुआ—नई दिल्ली
Indian History 1st Grade,CTET Teacher Study Material GK Important Notes Date Wise(20-10-2019)
Indian History 1st Grade,CTET Teacher Study Material GK Important Notes Date Wise(17-10-2019)
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