1st Grade 2nd Grade Teacher Study Material GK Important Notes Daily Update

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Indian History 1st Grade 2nd Grade Teacher Study Material GK Important Notes

Question.(1) Pundravardhana Bhukti was located?

 पुंड्रवर्धन भुक्ति अवस्थित थी?

Answer —–उत्तर बंगाल में (North Bengal)

Question.(2) Who was the founder of the Pala dynasty?

 पाल वंश का संस्थापक कौन था?

Answer —–गोपाल (Gopal)

Question.(3) Who was the founder of Vikramshila University?

कौन विक्रमशिला विश्वविद्यालय के संस्थापक थे?

Answer —–धर्मपाल (Dharmapala)

Question.(4) Which state was Vikramshila University located?

 विक्रमशिला विश्वविद्यालय किस राज्य में अवस्थित था?

Answer —–बिहार (Bihar)

Question.(5) Who composed the idea of a novel chart?

नवसाहसांक चरितम की रचना किसने की।?

Answer —–पदम गुप्त (Padam Gupta)

Question.(6) Who had imposed penalties on the Muslims and Muslims?

 तुरुष्क दंड नामक कर मुसलमानों पर किसने लगाया था?

Answer —–गोविंद ने  (Govind)

Question.(7) Who was the founder of Ajivika sect?

आजीवक संप्रदाय के संस्थापक कौन थे?

Answer —–मक्खलि गोसाल (Makkhali Gosala)

Question.(8) Who was the first disciple of Mahavir Swami?

महावीर स्वामी का प्रथम शिष्य कौन था?

Answer —– जमालि (Jamali)

Question.(9) Which area is considered as a Jainism region due to relation with Lord Vishwanath?

कौन-सा क्षेत्र पाश्र्वनाथ से संबंध होने के कारण जैनसिद्ध क्षेत्र माना जाता है?

Answer —–संमद शिखर

Question.(10) After Buddha’s death, who presided over Buddhist music?

बुद्ध की मृत्यु के बाद बौद्ध संगिति की अध्यक्षता किसने की?

Answer —– महाकस्सप ने (Mahākāśyapa)

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