1st Grade 2nd Grade Teacher Study Material GK Notes Daily Update Set 163
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Date Wise 15-10-2018 and Teacher Study Material Subject wise Notes Lecture Notes Sanskrit, Hindi, English, SST, Economics, psychology notes, Teaching Method, GK, Math, Urdu, Punjabi, Science subjects Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Micro-Biology, Bio-Technology, and Bio-Chemistry. History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Social Science Indian History.
Indian History 1st Grade 2nd Grade Teacher Study Material GK Important Notes
Question(1) Where can Arya possibly come from India?
आर्य भारत में संभवत: कहां से आए?
Answer – मध्य एशिया से (Central Asia)
Question(2) Who is the noun of poetry etc.?
आदि काव्य की संज्ञा किसे दी जाती है?
Answer – रामायण को (Ramayana)
Question(3) The oldest mythology?
प्राचीनतम पुराण है?
Answer – मत्स्य पुराण (Matsya purana)
Question(4) Aryan came from outside India and was first settled?
आर्य भारत मे बाहर से आए और सर्वप्रथम बसे थे ?
Answer – पंजाब से (Punjab)
Question(5) Sankhya, Yoga, Justice, Vaisheshik, Mimamsa and Vedanta have clearly manifested these six different Indian philosophies?
सांख्य,योग,न्याय,वैशेषिक,मीमांसा एवं वेदांत इन छ: भिन्न भारतीय दर्शनों की स्पष्ट रुप से अभिव्यक्ति हुई ?
Answer – वैदिक युग में (Vedic age)
Question(6) What is that handicraft which was not brought into practice by the Aryans?
वह दस्तकारी कौन सी है जो आर्यों द्वारा व्यवहार में नहीं लाई गई थी?
Answer – लोहार (Luhar)
Question(7) The coins in which the coins were the most during the rule?
सिक्कों की ढलाई सर्वाधिक किसके शासन काल में हुई?
Answer – औरंगजेब (Aurangzeb)
Question(8) Who started the Gurumukhi script?
गुरुमुखी लिपी का आरंभ किसने किया?
Answer – गुरु अंगद ने (Guru Angad)
Question(9) Kautilya / Chanakya was whose Prime Minister?
कौटिल्य/चाणक्य किसका प्रधानमंत्री था?
Answer – चंद्रगुप्त मौर्य का (Chandra Gupta Mourya)
Question(10) What language was there in Ashoka’s inscriptions?
अशोक के शिलालेखों में कौन-सी भाषा थी?
Answer – पाकृत (Prakrit)
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