1st Grade 2nd Grade Teacher Study Material GK Notes Daily Update Set 88
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Date Wise 17-07-2018 and Teacher Study Material Subject wise Notes Lecture Notes Sanskrit, Hindi, English, SST, Economics, psychology notes, Teaching Method, GK, Math, URDU, Punjabi, Science subjects Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Micro-Biology, Bio-Technology, and Bio-Chemistry. History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Social Science Indian History.
Indian History 1st Grade 2nd Grade Teacher Study Material GK Important Notes
Question(1) Which famous Nepalese is famous in Madhya Pradesh?
मध्य प्रदेश में नेपानगर किसके लिए प्रसिद्ध है?
Answer – अखबारी कागज (Newsprint)
Question(2) Which is the deepest port in the country?
देश का सबसे गहरा बन्दरगाह कौनसा है?
Answer – विशाखापत्तनम (Visakhapatnam)
Question(3) Which is the world’s largest producer of cell phones in the world?
विश्व में सेलफोन का सबसे बड़ा उत्पादक देश कौनसा है?
Answer – चीन (China)
Question(4) What was the main reason for World War I?
प्रथम विश्व युद्ध का मुख्य कारण क्या था?
Answer – ऑस्ट्रिया के राजकुमार फर्डिनेड की हत्या
Question(5) When was Morocco crisis born?
मोरक्को संकट कब पैदा हुआ?
Answer – 1905 ई.
Question(6) When did the Treaty of Versailles happen?
वर्साय की संधि कब हुई ?
Answer – 28 JUN 1919 ई.
Question(7) Who has the Treaty of Versailles happened?
वर्साय की संधि किसके साथ हुई ?
Answer – जर्मनी (Germany)
Question(8) How many nations participated in World War I?
प्रथम विश्व युद्ध में कितने राष्ट्रों ने भाग लिया ?
Answer – 37
Question(9) During World War I, which country did Germany invade in 1914?
प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के दौरान जर्मनी ने किस राष्ट्र पर 1914 ई. में आक्रमण किया ?
Answer – बेल्जियम, लक्जमबर्ग, फ्रांस व रूस पर (Belgium, Luxembourg, France, and Russia)
Question(10) When was the Paris Peace Conference organized from when?
पेरिस शांति सम्मेलन कब से कब तक आयोजित हुआ?
Answer – January 18, 1919, to January 1920
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