All famous Religion and Culture Related GK Study Material

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Study Material For Indian Culture

GK questions and answer from art and Religion culture and I India’s famous personalities, places and monuments,religions of India, and questions about Cambodian culture famous tourist spots tradition religion Cambodian People,Most of the answers are around Cambodian booth GK questions and answer from art and Religion culture for  RAS, IAS, UPSC,RPS,1st,2nd,3rdGrade Teacher, REET CTET, LDC, SSC CGL, IBPS, MBA, CAT, MAT, SBI-PO, RBI, IIFT,IIT,ITI, And Railway, Indian Army And all competitive  Exams


Study Material For Indian Culture

Question.1. Mahakumbh Mela think after how many years?

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महाकुम्भ मेला कितने वर्ष के बाद लगता है?
Answer — बारह वर्ष (Twelve years)

Question.2. The Vedas tell us how many names

वेद कितने हैं उनके नाम बताएं?

Answer — चार,ऋग्वेद, यजुर्वेद, सामवेद, अथर्ववेद, (Four, Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda)

Question.3. Who was the o Promoter of Islam

इस्लाम धर्म के प्रवर्तक कौन थे

Answer — हजरत मोहम्मद साहब, (Hazrat Muhammad)

Question.4. Muslims in the world, which is the most sacred city

मुसलमानों के लिए विश्व में सबसे पवित्र शहर कौन-सा है

Answer — मक्का, (Mecca)

Question.5.  How many days of sun a planet orbiting Mercury meets

बुध ग्रह सूर्य की एक परिक्रमा कितने दिनों में पूरा करता है?Answer – 88 Days

Answer – 88 Days

Question.6. Who was the 24th Tirthankara of Jainism

जैन धर्म के 24वें तीर्थंकर कौन थे?
Answer —  महावीर, (Mahavir,)

Question.7. Where was Sikhs Guru Gobind Singh born

सिखों के गुरू गोविन्द सिंह का जन्म कहाँ हुआ था?

Answer — पटना, (Patna)

Question.8 .Eagle, Dhanusha and arrow which are symbols of the Sikh Guru.

बाज पक्षी, धनुष व बाण किस सिख गुरू के चिन्ह हैं?

Answer — गुरू गोविन्द सिंह, (Guru Gobind Singh)

Question.9. Sikh scriptures ‘Adigrnth’ Who was compiled?

सिख ग्रंथ ‘आदिग्रंथ’ का संकलन किसने किया था?

Answer — गुरू अर्जुन, (Guru Arjan)

Question.10.  which In city is the Golden Temple in Punjab

स्वर्ण मंदिर पंजाब के किस शहर में है?

Answer — अमृतसर, (Amritsar)

Question.11. ‘Who’s idea was to provide ‘Hitai Bahujan Bahujan Sukhaya

बहुजन हिताय बहुजन सुखाय’ का विचार किसने प्रदान किया था?

Answer — महात्मा बुद्ध, (Mahatma Buddha)
Question.12. Buddhist monks living space which is called

बौद्ध भिक्षुओं के रहने के स्थान को किस नाम से पुकारा जाता है?

Answer — बौद्ध विहार, (BAUDDH-VIHAR)

Question.13. What is the total number of Puranas

पुराणों की कुल संख्या कितनी है?

Answer — 18,

Question.14. Mahabharata war lasted many days

महाभारत की लड़ाई कितने दिनों तक चली थी?

Answer — 18 Days

Question.15 India’s most ancient religious treatises

भारत का सबसे प्राचीन धर्म ग्रन्थ हैं?
Answer — ऋग्वेद, (Rigveda)

Question.16 Who was Golden temple

स्वर्ण मंदिर का निर्माण किसने करवाया था?

Answer — गुरू अर्जुनदेव, (Guru Arjan)

Question.17 Who was the founder of Buddhism

बौद्ध धर्म के संस्थापक कौन थे?

Answer — गौतम बुद्ध, (Gautama Buddha)

Question.18. Which is the most abundant element in the Sun

सूर्य में कौन-सा तत्व सर्वाधिक मात्रा में है?

Answer – हाइड्रोजन (Hydrogen)

Question.19. What is the nuclear fuel in the sun

सूर्य में कौन-सा न्यूक्लीयर ईंधन होता है?

Answer – हाइड्रोजन (Hydrogen)

Question.20. Which planet in the solar system is too intense

सौरमंडल में कौन-सा ग्रह अत्यधिक तीव्र है?

Answer – बुध (Mercury)

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