Indian GK For RRB Assistant Loco Pilot Group D Rajasthan Police 24-06-2018

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Indian history Question part 1

General Knowledge questions on Indian GK for Bank PO, IBPS, Bank Clerical And Indian GK For RRB Assistant Loco Pilot Group D 24-06-2018 questions for bank exams, very important computer-related questions for Bank PO, SBI PO, IBPS,RAS, IAS, UPSC, RPSC, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade Teacher, REET CTET, LDC, SSC CGL, IBPS, MBA, CAT, MAT, SBI-PO, RBI And Railway, Indian Army And all competitive Exams, and Most expected Computer Question Papers with answers. These Questions are most commonly asked in Other Banking Exam And All subject Wise Notes and Math, Hindi, English, History, Political Science, Psychology, Sanskrit Related Study material.


RPSC, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade Teacher And Rajasthan police Related Study material.

Daily Visit GK on

Question(1) Which is the world’s first tobacco productive country?

विश्व में सर्वप्रथम तम्बाकू उत्पादक देश कौन-सा है?

Answer— चीन (China)

Question(2) What is Canterbury?

‘कैण्टरबरी’ क्या है?

Answer— न्यूजीलैंड की घास भूमि  (New Zealand’s grassland)

Question(3) What is the first state to count the dead?

 मृतकों की जनगणना करने वाला पहला राज्य कौन-सा है?

Answer— कर्नाटक  (Karnataka)

Question(4) What is the first state to constitute special tiger force?

  विशेष बाघ बल गठित करने वाला पहला राज्य कौन-सा है?

Answer— कर्नाटक (Karnataka)

Question(5) What is the first state to constitute the land forces?

 भूमि सेना गठित करने वाला पहला राज्य कौन-सा है?

Answer— उत्तर-प्रदेश  (Uttar Pradesh)

Question(6) When was the Muslim League celebrating ‘Mukti Diwas’?

मुस्लिम लीग ने ‘मुक्ति दिवस’ कब मनाया था ?

Answer— 1929 में

Question(7) Which country is the network of most roads in the world?

 विश्व में सबसे अधिक सड़कों का जाल किस देश में हैं?

Answer— संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में (United States of America)

Question(8) What is the world of India in the road system?

 सड़क प्रणाली में भारत का विश्व में कौन-सा स्थान है?

Answer—  तीसरा (The third)

Question(9) Which is the world’s longest road?

  विश्व की सबसे लंबी सड़क कौन-सी है?

Answer—  ट्रांस कैनेडियन राजमार्ग (Trans-Canadian Highways)

Question(10) What is the location of Brazil in the world of roads?

  सड़कों की दृष्टि से ब्राजील का विश्व में कौन-सा स्थान है?

Answer— चौथा (The fourth)

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