Indian RRB NTPC GK countries get borders from India Seven GK 1st Grade
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About Who is Founder of Vikramashila Education Center —- Dharmapala, Establishment of Vijayanagara Empire —- 14th century,Who is Founder of Muslim Raj in India —- Muhammad Ghori And History GK 1st Grade, Patwar, SSC GD, Study Material 447 Set GK Notes Daily Update.And According to Railway Group D Recruitment Notification 2019 and Latest Updates: SBI Clerk (Junior Associates) Recruitment 2019 And RRB, Railway Group D Railway Loco Pilot Railway Technician DMRC Rajasthan PTET Punjab PTET CTET PSTET BSTC HTET,Bank GK, Latest GK, Reet Exam GK, Rajasthan police Exam Gk.
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Indian History 1st Grade,CTET Teacher Study Material GK Important Notes Date Wise(04-11-2019)
Question(1). Who is Founder of Vikramashila Education Center —- Dharmapala
विक्रमशिला शिक्षा केन्द्र के संस्थापक —-धर्मपाल
Question(2). Ellora caves were built —- Rashtrakutas
एलोरा गुफाओं का निर्माण कराया —-राष्ट्रकूटों ने
Question(3). Famous historical site Hampi —- located in Bellary district
प्रसिद्ध ऐतिहासिक स्थल हम्पी —-बेल्लारी जिले में स्थित है
Question(4). Establishment of Vijayanagara Empire —- 14th century
विजयनगर साम्राज्य की स्थपना —-14 वीं सदी
Question(5). Who is Founder of Sen Dynasty —- Samant Sen
सेन वंश का संस्थापक —-सामंत सेन
Question(6). Who is Founder of Muslim Raj in India —- Muhammad Ghori
भारत में मुस्लिम राज का संस्थापक —-मुहम्मद गोरी
Question(7). Where does salt get the most in India? — Gujraj
नमक सबसे ज्यादा भारत में कहाँ होता है?—गुजराज
Question(8). Where is turmeric most in India? — Andhra Pradesh
हल्दी सबसे ज्यादा भारत में कहाँ होता है?—आंध्र प्रदेश
Question(9). Where do eggs occur most in India? — Andhra Pradesh
अण्डे सबसे ज्यादा भारत में कहाँ होता है?—आंध्र प्रदेश
Question(10). How many countries get borders from India? — Seven
भारत से कितने देशों की सरहदें मिलती है?—सात
Indian History 1st Grade,CTET Teacher Study Material GK Important Notes Date Wise(01-11-2019)
Indian History 1st Grade,CTET Teacher Study Material GK Important Notes Date Wise(25-10-2019)
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