Short Tricks for India border touch with other country

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‘भारत की सीमा से लगने वाले देश ‘

Short Trick :  ‘BACHPAN MBA’

BA :  Bangladesh  (Length of the border 4,096.7 km)

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CH : China (Length of the border 3,488 km)

PA : Pakistan (Length of the border 3,323 km)

N : Nepal (Length of the border 1,751 km)

M : Myanmar (Length of the border 1,643 km)

B : Bhutan (Length of the border 699 km)

A : Afghanistan  (Length of the border 106 km)


Total : Length of the border 15,106.7 km


Short trick Indian State Boundaries Touch with other Country with details

‘पड़ोसी देशो को छूने वाले भारतीय राज्य (States)’


1. Indian State Boundaries Touch with Pakistan Country

1st short trick  (Trick: पं. गुजरा)

पं. – पंजाब (Punjab)

गु- गुजरात (Gujarat)

ज- जम्मू कश्मीर (Jammu & Kashmir , J&k)

रा- राजस्थान (Rajisthan)

2nd Short Trick : GaPRaJ

Gujarat, Punjab, Rajisthan, Jammu & Kashmir

 G :  Gujarat (गुजरात )

a= silent

P : Punjab (पंजाब)

Ra : Rajisthan (राजस्थान)

J :  Jammu & Kashmir J&k (जम्मू कश्मीर)

2. Indian State Boundaries Touch with Afghanistan  Country

Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) (जम्मू कश्मीर)

3. Indian State Boundaries Touch with Nepal Country

(Trick: SUBBU)

S- Sikkim

U- Uttar Pradesh

B- Bihar

B- Bangal (West Bengal)

U- Uttarakhand
Short Trick :  BaBiUpSiTtar

State Name : West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Sikkim

Ba : Bangal
Bi : Bihar
Up : Uttar Pradesh (UP)
Ttar : Uttarkhand
Si : Sikkim

4.Indian State Boundaries Touch with Bangladesh Country

Short Trick :       TIME-AM-PM

T- Tripura

A- Assam

M- Mizoram

P- Pashchim Bengal

M- Meghalay

Short Trick : Assembly line Major and Minor Trend of West Bangal

Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura, West Bengal.

A stand for Assam
M stand for Meghalaya
M stand for Mizoram
T stand for Tripura
W stand for Wesh Bangal


Indian State Boundaries Touch with Myammar Country

(Trick: अरुणा मामी)

अ- अरुणाचल प्रदेश

ना- नागालैंड

मा- मणिपुर

मी- मिजोरम
Name of State :    Arnuranchal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland

(Short Trick is Arabian People Never MInd of Money )

AP : stand for Arnuranchal Pradesh
N  : stand for Nagaland
M : stand for Manipur
Mi : stand for Mizoram

6. China

Arnuranchal Pradesh, Sikkim, Uttarkhand, Himanchal Pradesh, Jammu & kasmir

2-China (Trick: जम्मू का सिपाही अरुण हिमालय पर उतरा)

जम्मू- जम्मू कश्मीर

सिपाही- सिक्किम

अरुण- अरुणाचल प्रदेश

हिमालय- हिमांचल प्रदेश

उतरा- उत्तराखंड

(Short Trick is Jack and jil Up in the Hill And Sit on the wall )

A : stand for Arnuranchal Pradesh
Si : stand for Sikkim
U : stand for Uttarkhan
H : stand for Himanchal Pradesh

                                J : stand for Jammu & kasmir

7. Bhutan

         Arnuranchal Pradesh, Assam, West Bangal, Sikkim.
(Trick: साब- SAAB)
S- Sikkim
A- Assam
A- Arunachal Pradesh

B- Bengal (Paschim bengal)

(Short Trick is ArunA Bani Sikh )

AP : stand for Arnuranchal Pradesh
A  : stand for Assam
B : stand for West Bangal

                                Si : stand for Sikkim










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