General Science GK Questions 4-1-2020 Science Trivia Physics Chemistry Biology

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General Science GK Questions 4-1-2020 Science Trivia Physics Chemistry Biology

The roaring of the clouds is heard long after the lightning flashes of the clouds. this is due to ?
Speed of light is too much in sound speed

Plastic covers are used to cover electrical wires and cords because
Plastic is a bad conductor of electricity

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The insect can be identified by what it has with other organisms.
Three pair legs

This instrument is used by the doctor to measure heart rate.

Which color meaning (earth) wire from insulation coverings enters our room through the main switch?

What is the benefit of parallel connection to the circuit?
Same voltage is available

Which enzyme has the highest amount of saliva?

Polythene bags cannot be destroyed because they are made –
Polymers are made

The hormone insulin is produced?
Beta cells of the pancreas

What is the main reason for the wind
Uneven earth temperature

From whom does man get iron element mostly?
From spinach

General Science GK Questions 4-1-2020 Science Trivia Physics Chemistry Biology in Hindi

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