Google launches AI note-taking app NotebookLM
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The talk of artificial intelligence is all around at the moment and it seems like AI is becoming the most suitable tool for the future. However, there are many challenges in front of it.
Google launches AI note-taking app NotebookLM : Google has launched a new AI-powered notes app called NotebookLM, which aims to help people learn faster. The app uses a powerful language model to analyze and summarize content, generate ideas, and answer questions. It is currently only available for Google Docs and is limited to users in the US.
Google has introduced a new AI-powered custom note-taking app called NotebookLM to help people learn faster.
The new AI is only available for Google Docs
हाल ही में Google ने ‘NotebookLM’ नाम से एक नया आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस (AI) आधारित नोट्स ऐप लॉन्च किया है।
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