Indian Economy General Knowledge For All Competitive Exam Set 4

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GK economy quiz 3

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General Knowledge questions on Indian Economy And World Economic Set 4 and The Finance Commission is a constitutional body which is constituted by the President of India to divide Central Government’s taxes into all states. In this article, 10 questions related to Finance Commission are given which will be very useful for upcoming exams like IAS, PCS, SSC, CTET, RTET, REET, HTET and Lecturer, Second Grade Teacher and Third Grade Teacher Exam, and Rajasthan, Delhi Police Related Study material  And All competitive exams and will increase your intelligence skills.


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General Knowledge questions on Indian Economy And World Economic

Question(1)What was the composition of economics?

अर्थशास्त्र किनकी रचना थी?

Answer—-चाणक्य (Chanakya)

Question(2) Which year was the National Income Committee formed?

राष्ट्रिय आय समिति का गठन किस वर्ष हुआ था?

Answer—- 1949

Question(3) Which currency is legal in our country?

हमारे देश में किस मुद्रा को वैधानिक मान्यता प्राप्त है?


Question(4) Which is the valid posture?

कौन विधि ग्राह्य मुद्रा है?

Answer—-10 रूपये का नोट

Question(5)What form of currency is there nowadays in popular practice?

आजकल मुद्रा का कौन-सा रूप अधिक प्रचलन में है?

Answer—- पत्र-मुद्रा

Question(6) Which is are not the work of currency?

कौन मुद्रा के कार्य नहीं हैं?

Answer—-लेखन एवं संपादन

Question(7) Which metal is used as the most currency?

किस धातु का मुद्रा के रूप में सर्वाधिक प्रयोग हुआ है?

Answer—-चाँदी और सोना (Silver and gold)

Question(8) Which is not the basis of credit?

कौन साख का आधार नहीं है?


Question(9) What is the currency of Bangladesh?

बांग्लादेश की मुद्रा का क्या नाम है?

Answer—-Bangladeshi Taka Currency

Question(10) Who said that the loan is the son of the deposit and the deposit is the child of the debt?

किसने कहा था कि कर्ज जमा की संतान है और जमा कर्ज की संतान है?

Answer—- केन्स

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