Rajasthan Jail Prahari Re-Exam Related GK Question 02-09-2017

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GK Questions

Study Material for SSC MTS 2017 and Railway exam, SSC, Delhi police Rajasthan Police SI competitive exam. Related Study Material  Date wise 03-09-2017 GK Notes And General knowledge.questions are in Hindi language and cover the most frequently asked questions from history of India, Indian national movement, Indian and world geography, Indian polity, economic and social development, General science, basic numeracy and data interpretation.and general GK for ASM, Goods Guard, ECRC, CA, TA Exam.


Rajasthan GK Question For Rajasthan Police SI

Daily Visit GK on myshort.in

Question.(1) What language was there in Ashoka’s inscriptions

अशोक के शिलालेखों में कौन-सी भाषा थी?

Answer— पाकृत (Natural)

Question.(2) Which Mauryan King conquered the Deccan

किस मौर्य राजा ने दक्कन पर विजय प्राप्त की थी?

Answer— कुणाल ने

Question.(3) How much of the society was divided by the Megasthenes in his book

मेगास्थनीज द्वारा अपनी पुस्तक में समाज को कितने भागों में बाँटा गया था?


Question.(4) What is the largest flower in the world

संसार का सबसे बड़ा फूल कौनसा है?

Answer—रफ्लेसिया (Rafflesia)

Question.(5) Which is the largest living bird

सबसे बड़ा जीवित पक्षी कौनसा है?

Answer—शुतुरमुर्ग (Common ostrich Bird)

Question.(6) Which is the smallest bird in the world

संसार में सबसे छोटा पक्षी कौनसा है?

Answer— हमिंग बर्ड (Hummingbird Bird)

Question.(7) Humans first made which animal domesticated

मनुष्य ने सबसे पहले किस जंतु को पालतू बनाया?


Question.(8) What does the astronaut look like in the outer sky

अंतरिक्ष यात्री को बाह्य आकाश कैसा दिखाई देता है?


Question.(9) The Criminal Tribes Act was first enacted when

क्रिमिनल ट्राइब्स एक्ट सर्वप्रथम कब अधिनियमित हुआ था?

Answer— 1871

Question.(10) Who convenes a joint session of Parliament

संसद का संयुक्त अधिवेशन कौन बुलाता है?


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