Short Trick For Various States important And Famous Dance

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Short Trick For Various States important Dance

We Are uploading Short Trick For Various States important Dance Indian folk and tribal dances are simple dances, and are performed to express joy and Haryana has rich tradition of dances for various occasions, One of the famous dance forms of the state is Kud dance. for ssc,rajasthan police,patwari,gramsevk.1st,2nd,3rd,grad Teacher,and all exams.

करेले कि कथा= केरल = कथकली नृत्य

पंजे में भांगडालो = पंजाब= भांगड़ा नृत्य

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राजा तुम घुमो= राजस्थान = घूमर नृत्य

असम किबहु = असम = बिहू नृत्य 

अरुणक मुखोटा = अरुणाचल = मुखोटा नृत्य

गुज़र गईगरीबी = गुजरात= गरबा नृत्य

झाड़ू में छाऊ = झारखण्ड = छऊ नृत्य 

U K में गडा= उत्तराखंड= गढ़वाली नृत्य

अंधेरेमे कच्ची पूरीखाई खाई=आंधरा = कचिपूडि नृत्य 

छतरीमे गाड़ी = छत्तीसगढ़= गाडी नृत्य

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