Tropic of Cancer (kark Rekha) Passing Through Indian states

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Tropic of Cancer (kark Rekha) Passing Through Indian states

We are uploading rajasthan Gk one by one topic  upload important Short trick today uploading  about  Tropic of Cancer (kark Rekha) Passing Through Indian states The Tropic of Cancer, also referred to as the Northern Tropic is 23°26′13.5″ (or 23.43709°) … TheTropic of Cancer passes through Gujarat, India … Meridian and heading eastward, the Tropic of Cancer passes through 16 countries: … Myanmar (Myanmar), Chin State, Sagaing Division, Mandalay Division, Shan State. list of Tropic of cancer passing through indian states are as follows: 1-Gujarat 2- Rajasthan3- Madhaya Pradesh 4- Chattisgarh 5- Jharkhand and  this topice always useful for RAS,IAS,1st.2nd,3rd grad teacher, and gramsevk,patwar,rajasthan police SI, and other all Competitive Examination.


कर्क रेखा  (kark Rekha) भारत के किन राज्यो से होकर गुजरती है

Important Trick = मित्र पर गमछा झार

मि- मिजोरम राज्य (Mizoram State)

Daily Visit GK on

त्र– त्रिपुरा राज्य (Tripura State)

प- प॰ बंगाल राज्य  (P. Bengal State)

– राजस्थान राज्य  (Rajasthan State)

– गुजरात राज्य  (Gujarat State)

– मध्य प्रदेश राज्य  (State of Madhya Pradesh)

छा– छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य  (Chhattisgarh State)

झार– झारखण्ड राज्य  (Jharkhand State)

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