1st Grade, Patwar, SSC GD,Study Material GK Notes Daily Update Set 224
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RPSC 1st Grade 2nd Grade Teacher and patwar related Study Material GK Important Notes daily update KVS Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Notes Subject wise PSTET CTET, TGT, PGT, B.Ed HTET Jammu Kashmir TET, UPTET Maharashtra TET Chhattisgarh teacher Vacancies Study Lecturer CG TET Material Subject wise Notes Daily update Philosophy Lecture Notes Handmade written notes Zila Panchayat and Date Wise 06-0-2019 and Teacher Study Material Subject wise Notes Lecture Notes Sanskrit, Hindi, English, SST, Economics, psychology notes, Teaching Method, GK, Math, Urdu, Punjabi, Science subjects Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Micro-Biology, Bio-Technology, and Bio-Chemistry. History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Social Science Indian History.and Most Important Question, RAS IAS, SSC GD CGL Clerk UPSC Indian History GK 1st Grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade REET, Teacher, B.Ed, RSMSSB, Up police GK, Bihar police GK, Delhi Haryana police, Rajasthan Police, patwari, LDC, HTET, JK TET, Jammu Kashmir TET J&K Teachers Test Indian History GK study material Notes, PSTET Punjab TET Haryana TET HTET UPTET, bihar tet, Uttarakhand TET UTET study material Notes.
Indian History 1st Grade,CTET Teacher Study Material GK Important Notes
Question(1).Which plateau of Chhotanagpur is rich in resources?
छोटा नागपुर का पठार जिस संसाधन में समृद्ध है?
Answer—खनिज (Mineral)
Question(2).Kopali is its tributary river?
कोपली किसकी सहायक नदी है?
Answer—ब्रह्मपुत्र (Brahmaputra River)
Question(3). What Are the main agro commodities imported items in India?
भारत में मुख्य कृषि पदार्थ आयात मद हैं?
Answer—खाने योग्य तेल
Question(4). Where is the naval air station ‘Garuda’ located?
नेवल एअर स्टेशन ‘गरुड़’ कहाँ पर स्थित है?
Answer—Kochi City in Kerala
Question(5). Which the south pole continuously receive sunlight?
दक्षिण ध्रुव लगातार सूर्य का प्रकाश प्राप्त करता है?
Answer—शरद अयनांत (Sharad Aayant)
Question(6).Where is the ozone layer located?
ओज़ोन परत अवस्थित है?
Answer—समतापमण्डल (Stratosphere)
Question(7).What are the daily weather changes in the atmosphere?
वायुमंडल में दैनिक मौसम परिवर्तन किसके कारण होते हैं?
Answer—क्षोभमंडल (Troposphere)
Question(8).Which gas is the percentage of gas in the atmosphere?
वायुमण्डल में सबसे अधिक किस गैस का प्रतिशत है?
Question(9).What is the reason for building fog on the coast?
समुद्री तट के सहारे कोहरे के निर्माण का कारण है?
Question(10).Which river is the largest of which river flowing in South India?
दक्षिण भारत में प्रवाहित होने वाली किस नदी का थाला सबसे बड़ा है?
Answer—Godavari River