India’s Famous leading Position And its list of Architects

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list of Famouse Architects place in india

1798 by Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh, a ‘crown’ as the architect designed by Lal Chand Usta was.And Called Drupada Drona Practice was defeated with the help of his disciples, and half his kingdom was divided located in Karnataka, India town by UNESCOWorld Heritage” list is also included. Agra Kannauj is an ancient city and is reputed as the capital of the Hindu kingdom ever. and this is India town by UNESCO “World Heritage Jaipur city New Delhi-Chandigarh Kosice Burger Ustad Ahmad Lahouri Vidhadhar Charles Korea Topic is very important and list of Famous Architects place in India For RAS, IAS, UPSC, RPSC, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade Teacher, REET CTET, LDC, SSC CGL, IBPS, MBA, CAT, MAT, SBI-PO, RBI, IIFT, IIT, ITI, And Railway, Indian Army And all competitive  Exams 


भारत के प्रमुख स्थान एवं उसके वास्तुकारों की सूची

प्रमुख स्थान                                              वास्तुकार का नाम

(1).ताजमहल (आगरा) (Taj Mahal(Agra))             उस्ताद अब्दुल हमीर लाहौरी (Ustad Ahmad Lahouri,)      

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(2).भुवनेश्वर (Bhubaneswar)                               कोनिस बर्गर (Kosice Burger)      

(3)..नई दिल्ली (New Delhi)                                   सर एडविन लुटियंस (Sir Edwin Lutyens) 

(4).कलकत्ता नगर (Kolkata City)                            जॉब चारनोक (Job Charnock)

(5).चंडीगढ़ नगर (Chandigarh city)                       ली. कार्बूजियर (Lee. Corbusier)           

(6).फतेहपुर सीकरी (Fatehpur Sikri)                      बहाउद्दीन (Bahauddin)           

(7).जयपुर नगर  (Jaipur city)                                    विधाधर (Vidhadhar)     

(8).भारत भवन (भोपाल) (Bharat Bhavan(Bhopal)      चालर्स कोरिया (Charles Korea)       

(9).राष्ट्रपति भवन (नई दिल्ली) (President’s House (New Delhi))     –  सर एडविन लुटियंस (Sir Edwin Lutyens)           

(10) संसद भवन (नई दिल्ली) (Parliament House(New Delhi))    –  सर हर्बट बेकर (Sir Herbert Baker)    

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