Reasoning Questions With Answers For All Competitive Exams 21-02-2019
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Reasoning is an important subject which is mostly asked in all the examinations. Bihar forest guard study material Bihar Police Forest Guard Previous Papers with Answers IQ Test, IQ test puzzles, Check IQ for employ, Check IQ for kids, Interview IQ Test, Company IQ Test, MBA IQ Test, CAT Syllogism Puzzles Venn Diagram intelligence Reasoning in Hindi and English means rationality, thought.Daily Science Notes G.K Notes Updates (21-02-2019) for RAS IAS, SSC GD CGL Clerk UPSC Indian History GK 1st Grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade REET, Teacher, B.Ed, RSMSSB .
Data Sufficiency Questions and Answers (21-02-2019)
Direction:(1-5): In each of the following questions, a question & then two statements – I & II are given. You have to determine that the data provided in these statements is enough to answer the question or not. Study both the statement:
Give the Answer (A) If the data given only in statement I is enough to answer the question.
Give the Answer (B) If the data given only in statement II is enough to answer the question.
Give the Answer (C) If the data given in either statement I or in statement II is enough to answer the question.
Give the Answer (D) If the data given in both the statements- I & II is not enough.
Give the Answer (E) If the data given in statements- I & II – both are required.
Question(1). How many students are in the class?
(I). Nisha’s rank in the class from the top is 10th & from the bottom is 23rd.
(II). Nandita is 10 rank above Roopa, who is 18th form the top.
Question(2). Who is the tallest among P, T, J, L, & F having different heights?
(I). P is taller than only J & F.
(II). T is not the tallest one.
Question(3). In which direction is village ‘P’ with respect to village ‘Q’?
(I). Village H is in the East of P & in the South of Q.
(II). Village F is in the North of P & in the west of Q.
Question(4). How many sons does ‘X’ have?
(I). D is a brother of A, who is a son of X.
(II). D’s sister is M’s wife.
Question(5). What is the code of Tail in the code language?
(I). ‘Delay’ is written as 57382 in the code language.
(II). TIDE is written as 6457 in the code language.
Check: All Answers.
Ans . (A)
Ans . (D)
Ans . (E)
Ans . (A)
Ans . (E)
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